Letting Go
Sometimes life destroys you. Sometimes it burns you to the ground. In March 2021 that’s what happened to me. In just 4 weeks I went from happily-ever-after to widowed-mother-of-five after making a dark and twisted discovery about my husband. Rather than be consumed by the fire, I choose to be transformed. This is my story. Watch me rise.

Heavy memories
Broken dreams
Not sure if anything is what it seems.
Dark energy, makes me sick
I don’t want to do this
But I won’t quit.
Why me? Why us?
It’s not f×cking fair.
Sick secrets revealed, more each day
Ugly demons unleashed, foul and cruel
Facts twisted and gnarled to hide the truth.
My burden is heavy
I feel the weight
It’s so hard to carry but I won’t break.
We must burn down before we can rise
The fire’s been lit
Flames dance toward the sky
Raging on until all is consumed.
Smoldering cinders, red hot embers
Soon the smoke will subside
Sift through the ashes
They no longer serve you
It’s time to
Start letting go.
Abuse isn’t always black and blue. If you or someone you know needs help, please reach out to Flight of the Phoenix Collective. We’ve got your back.